Feibel Trading – Effective Habitual Practice

Original price was: $250.00.Current price is: $19.00.

Feibel Trading – Effective Habitual Practice Effective Habitual Practice (EHP) Original website: https://www.feibeltrading.com/ehp-effective-habitual-practice Original price: $250 Content: video: Feibel Trading – Effective Habitual Practice.mkv The ‘Logical Price Action’ course is also available from the same vendor for a low price here: –> https://budgetforex.com/shop/logical-price-action ‘WE ARE WHAT WE REPEATEDLY DO. EXCELLENCE, THEN, IS NOT AN ACT, BUT A HABIT” Practice in the […]


Feibel Trading – Effective Habitual Practice

Effective Habitual Practice (EHP)

Original website: https://www.feibeltrading.com/ehp-effective-habitual-practice

Original price: $250

Content: video: Feibel Trading – Effective Habitual Practice.mkv

The ‘Logical Price Action’ course is also available from the same vendor for a low price here: –> https://budgetforex.com/shop/logical-price-action


Practice in the broad sense of the term, is the act of doing something regularly or repeatedly to improve your skill at doing it – our first pillar. One’s practice regime MUST become habitual; a persistent, continuous flow of day-to-day practice should be established. Why? The essence behind EHP is to create muscle memory; this is a form of procedural memory that can help you become very good at something through repetition, primarily without conscious thought – our second pillar.
Researchers have found that practice alone doesn’t necessarily lead to mastery. Instead, experts suggest that the right kind of practice is what really matters when trying to optimise learning and increase skills; ergo the term ‘effective’, the final pillar from our trifecta of EHP. Effective practice is going in the direction you want to go in an efficient manner, this means setting goals and actively pursuing them. Our practice should be on the very cusp of one’s ability, ever so slightly out of our comfort zone, for this is where true growth resides.
The secret that binds EHP is focus, the key to mastery and expedited growth. Our time dedicated to EHP should be treated as a ritual of sorts, no distractions of any kind. One may use the modern term of mindfulness; fully present with only our task at hand, truly committed and unwavering to any external sources of interference.
Practice, if not monitored can have a detrimental effect, as the muscle memory doesn’t judge whether you’re doing well or bad, you may practice poorly and and create poor muscle memory; making the same mistakes time and time again, therefore the key is to build the correct muscle memory.